
Expense Reduction and Reporting

Expense reduction is an omnipresent and perfectly normal topic within businesses.  In the quest for improvement and gaining a better...

Product & Activity-Based Costing

Costing systems are information systems. They require a specific type of information such as direct labor hours and units produced, to...

Business Plan Preparation

A business plan is a description of the future of your business, it tells you what you intend to do...

Break Even

What is actually break even? Break-even is as a concept is showing the minimum amount of benefits from an activity in...


Banking and financing support As with any business at a certain moment, your organization needs a surplus of financing. But...

Training Finance for Non Finance by TopCFO

TopCFO Finance for Non Finance

Budgeting process

What is the budget? What is a budgeting process? A budget is a very well known term used in the...

Finance for Non Finance –  a non finance perspective

Finance for Non Finance – a non finance perspective

Imagine you are a non-financial professional that just joined a new and exciting company that has offered you the job...

Finance for Non Finance – Why ?

Why is training useful? Why is Finance for Non-Finance training useful? Training is teaching or developing in oneself or others,...

Finance for Non Finance – why bother ?

Finance for Non Finance – why bother ?

Finance for Non-Finance Why should you bother with some training for finance topics if you are a non-finance professional? It...