
Research paper : Empirical approach to knowledge, knowledge economy and knowledge based organizations

  Since the very early stages of human development knowledge, knowledge management have made a difference in who is prevailing...

Expense Reduction and Reporting

Expense reduction is an omnipresent and perfectly normal topic within businesses.  In the quest for improvement and gaining a better...

Organisational structure assessment : adjust or bust

  Organizations are “living” entities that evolve and react to their surrounding factors. Some organizations react and change in an...

Investor presentations

About the strategic planning and business planning topic, I have talked about in previous posts. Why you do this activity...

Corporate Governance

What is corporate governance? Corporate governance is the set of rules and regulations by which business organizations are directed and...

Business value created by management accounting

Porter stated in his value chain concept that business support activities are contributing to the value creation process of a...

Business Plan Preparation

A business plan is a description of the future of your business, it tells you what you intend to do...

Contract Negotiation

Contract negotiation is a very hot potato, everybody was involved at a certain time in some sort of negotiation. Let’s...

Break Even

What is actually break even? Break-even is as a concept is showing the minimum amount of benefits from an activity in...

Long Term Growth

When you step on the first rung of the entrepreneurial ladder your team is often a team of one—and that’s...

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