Organisational structure assessment : adjust or bust
Organizations are “living” entities that evolve and react to their surrounding factors. Some organizations react and change in an much faster pace than others. When talking about business
organizations there is no exception. Organizations are influenced by their surrounding factors regardless of their size and age. Here I can only mention the not so old Enron, Nokia, Arthur Andersen, etc . All of the mentioned organizations were big solid organizations with worldwide reach and coverage. It is true that the reasons of why the mentioned organizations do no exist anymore are different, fact is the organizations did not react and evolved in sync with their surrounding factors.
Business organizations of the 21st century face a difficult task , to match the current requirements and to maintain their heritage, tradition and values.
The 21st century requires that especially business organizations reinvent themselves and match the increasing speed of technological development and resulting transformations of “old classical” concepts.
Going one step deeper , at micro level in an business organization sometimes it happens that things do not go as expected and it is hard for you to find out why.
One of the reasons of why you can not find out why your organization is not performing as expected is simple, you got too much involved the day to day business and have missed the bigger picture. You have been caught in the chaos of daily routine that require more and more attention and efforts to stay afloat due to ever changing surrounding.
For sure at this stage your nicely set up and find tuned processes are a little , if not more , off and you think what is wrong , why is the outcome not the expected one.
At this stage it is time to make one step back and analyze the big picture , look at what has changed , what has affected your business. This step back usually means that on top of the daily routine you have to allocate resources and time to look and evaluate the internal and external factors that have changed.
Usually it is a good idea to get external help for the reassessment of your organizational structure. It is time to call TopCFO .
An organizational assessment is a systematic process for obtaining valid information about the performance of an organization and the factors that affect performance.
It differs from other types of evaluations because the assessment focuses on the organization as the primary unit of analysis rather than the business focus.
TopCFO will look at your organization for the perspective of your business , because that is the reason of existence of your organisation.
Our approach will have the business perspective in focus but follow the Institutional and Organizational Assessment Model by Universalia.
Source: Universalia Institutional and Organisational Assessment Model (IOA Model)
The outcome of the IOA model will be an actual image of your organization. Based on that image we’ll develop a series of recommendations that will improve and develop your organization.
The main goal after the application of the IOA model is that your business is doing much better . Your organization will emerge as an better and improved organization after the contact of TopCFO.
We will guide you through the needed transformation and support your organizational change management.
For more details, quotations and/or any other questions please get in touch through Telegram or LinkedIn
Reference :
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